Tech Bureau, Corp. Spinned Off Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp. for Software Business


TOKYO – July 2, 2018 –  Today Tech Bureau, Corp., a fintech and cryptocurrency solutions company, announced that  the company has decided to spin off its software sales business, and to establish as the successor thereto, Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp.


Background & Purpose
Since its establishment, Tech Bureau, Corp. has been raising  “the creation of the token economy” as its mission. The company  has worked to support the introduction of blockchain technologies into the businesses of numerous entities. It has done via the development of; mijin, a private blockchain software; Zaif, a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange; and COSMA, a one-stop platform which supports corporate fundraising through ICOs and the asset tokenizations. In which was it positioned 2018 as a critical year for earnestly commercializing the blockchain, set against the backcloth of its open-source publication of mijin v.2(catapult) and its steps to proactively introduce new services such as cloud-based BaaS* and such. Tech Bureau, Corp.  has made the decision to spin off its software development and software sales business, which means that its Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency exchange, Zaif, is separated from the software businesses.. By establishing the new company, Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp., it shall enable Tech Bureau, Corp. to focus on its efforts more closely on the Zaif, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange, which shall become a great opportunity to gain its corporate value by arranging to further improve the convenience of that business so that customers may continue to select it as their exchange of choice.

We kindly would like ask for the continued understanding and support of all parties with respect to both the business activities of Tech Bureau, Corp. and Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp.

*cloud-based BaaS: an acronym for "Blockchain as a Service" which is an environment that can be quickly launched for usage without a traditional installation process being required. (more details from here)

"COMSA" - One-Stop ICO Platform
Regarding to COMSA, a one-stop ICO platform, in accordance with the aforementioned spinoffs,  it has been decided to separate the domestic solutions business from the software business. Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp. will take over the responsibility of the software business from Tech Bureau, Corp.. Due to the spinoffs, Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp. shall be concentrating on both COMSA CORE and COMSA HUB software development assets, and any other related activities.In addition, it is planned that the preparations required for the realization of a one-stop ICO platform shall be promoted.

On the other hand, in terms of the domestic solutions business (e.g. ICO consultation, token publication and sales, etc.), will be continued with a cooperation with Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp.. In order to conduct these solution businesses properly and legally,  it is demanded that systems be put in place that allow for both business activities and customer protection to be conducted with the existing legal requirements regarding financial settlements, concerning both the legal positioning and self-imposed regulations that exist regarding tokens issued via ICO, and these topics are still under a debate throughout the industry. Tech Bureau, Corp. believes that even as a company, it is necessary to take a place in a debate in order to conduct the solution businesses in Japan under a suitable conditions.

Providing Information to Purchasers of COMSA Tokens
Tech Bureau, Corp. will continue to provide information and response to the customers' inquiries regarding to the Revision 1.3 of the Whitepaper which has been published by the company on March 8, 2018, as a member of cryptocurrency exchange company who has sold the COMSA token.

About Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp.
Name: Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp.
Address: 2-1-8 Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Takao Asayama (CEO)
Business Activities: Software Development and Sales
Number of Employee: 6
Capital: 10 million yen
Date of Establishment: July 2, 2018
Date of Commencement: July 2, 2018
Major Shareholders: Takao Asayama, Michio Asayama, arara inc., Infoteria Corporation, OKWAVE, CAICA Inc., Shinsei Bank, Limited, JAFCO Co., Ltd., Nippon Technology Venture Partners, Hiroshima Venture Capital CO., LTD., FISCO Ltd., MONEY PARTNERS GROUP CO., LTD., other entities
  • Tech Bureau Europe SA (a subsidiary engaged in overseas business/registered in the Canton of Zug, Switzerland)
  • Tech Bureau North America LLC (a subsidiary engaged in overseas business / registered in the State of California, the United States of America)
  • Crypto Mining Japan Inc. (a subsidiary engaged in the development of comprehensive solutions for the mining of cryptocurrencies)
Affiliated Companies:
  • Tech Bureau, Corp. (an entity engaged in the exchange of cryptocurrencies, the offering of ICO solutions)

Business Overview

Future Outlook
Since it set the pace globally in September 2015 when it was announced as a private blockchain software with commercial applications, mijin has come to be used by more than 300 companies and organizations worldwide. What is more, although much of its success has been left unaccompanied by announcements, there are now numerous cases of the technology being put to practical use.

Zaif, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange, has been established in March 2015, and has been registered as a member under the cryptocurrency exchange business in September 2017, and since these dates Tech Bureau Corp. has been putting a huge effort as an industry pioneer. Not limiting to the moment, but also in the future, for the purpose of promoting smooth transactions through Zaif, while taking steps to further improve its infrastructure, by cooperating with Tech Bureau Holdings, Corp., the company aims to develop the future for a genuine token economy with the goal of realizing a one-stop platform.

About Tech Bureau, Corp. )
Name: Tech Bureau, Corp.
(new) 10th Floor, Mifune Honmachi Building, 1-5-18 Utsubo-Honmachi, Nishi Ward, Osaka
(former) 4th Floor, Orix Honmachi Building, 1-4-1 Nishi-Honmachi, Nishi Ward, Osaka
Representative: Takao Asayama (CEO)
Business Activities:
(new) Engaged in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange business, the offering of ICO solutions
(former) Engaged in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange business, the offering of a one-stop ICO platform, the conducting of software development and sales
Employee Nos.: 60
Capital: 100 million yen
Date of Establishment: June 16, 2014
Major Shareholders: Takao Asayama, Michio Asayama, arara inc., Infoteria Corporation, OKWAVE, CAICA Inc., Shinsei Bank, Limited, JAFCO Co., Ltd., Nippon Technology Venture Partners, Hiroshima Venture Capital CO., LTD., FISCO Ltd., MONEY PARTNERS GROUP CO., LTD., other entities









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