スマホでシンプル 「イチゴ収量予測ツール」 販売開始 ~動画撮影で熟度判定&生育・収量予測を実現~
イチゴ収量予測ツール 概要
1. 開発背景
2. ツールの特長

イチゴ熟度判定 カウント動画:https://youtu.be/-9DEN2LE6r0
3. イチゴ観光農園様・栽培エキスパートのご協力をもとに開発
本ツールは、国内有数の人気 観光農園である アグリモンスタースペシャル様(静岡県御殿場市: https://www.agumon-ichigo.com/)のご協力を頂き、開発しております。
また、高度な農業経営・栽培ノウハウを持つ、農業総合商社 株式会社山正様(岐阜県岐阜市:https://yamasho.style/)の栽培エキスパートの方々のご知見をもとに、現場での実用性や使いやすさも大切にしています。
・商品名: イチゴ収量予測ツール
・価格: 月額10,000円~(税込) ※無料お試し期間あり
・提供開始日: 2024年12月10日
・販売方法: メールにてお申し込み(dab@nileworks.co.jp)
・資料請求: https://www.nileworks.co.jp/document/4
協力企業: アグリモンスタースペシャルについて

GOTEMBA TOURIST FARMとして、新鮮、採れたての美味しさを味わって頂くためにイチゴを中心とした観光農園を行っております。イチゴ本来の生長能力を最大限引き出し、ストレス無く、健全に育てる独自の栽培管理の技術・栽培方法を通して収穫される果実を味わいに、毎年多くの来園者がいらっしゃっています。また、その栽培技術・ノウハウは、他の観光農園への導入も進んでいます。
メールアドレス: dab@nileworks.co.jp
設立: 2015年1月
所在地: 東京都千代田区神田錦町一丁目4番3号
代表者: 代表取締役社長 小嶋 康弘
事業内容: デジタル農業・農業DXにおける技術開発、サービス提供/農業用ドローンの開発、製造、販売/農作業マッチングサービスを提供
URL: https://www.nileworks.co.jp
Simple with Your Smartphone: Nileworks Launches "Strawberry Yield Prediction Tool" ~ Video-Based Ripeness Detection and Growth & Yield Forecasting ~
Farm Solution
Tokyo, Japan – December 5, 2024 - Simple Growth and Yield Forecasting for Strawberry Cultivation. A new tool is now available that makes growth and yield forecasting straightforward. Simply upload a video taken with your smartphone, and the cloud-based system analyzes the ripeness of strawberries, counts the number of fruits by ripeness stage, and provides growth forecast information based on accumulated temperature data. With ease of use and high-precision analysis, this tool contributes to the advancement of cultivation management.
Overview of the Strawberry Yield Prediction Tool
1. Development Background
Strawberry cultivation requires accurate predictions of harvest timing and yield. However, traditional methods often relied heavily on experience and intuition, making them time-consuming and labor-intensive. This tool is designed to address these challenges, enabling more efficient and scientific cultivation management.
2. Features of the Tool
1) Easy Operation with a Smartphone, simply take a video of your field with a smartphone and upload it to the cloud. No special equipment or technical expertise is required.
2) High-Precision Ripeness Analysis in the Cloud, utilizing Nileworks' phenotyping technology - a process that observes and measures crop characteristics such as appearance, shape, and growth patterns - the tool provides instant analysis of strawberry ripeness. It categorizes fruits by ripeness stages, such as green, white, and red, and counts the number of fruits in each stage.
3) Growth Forecasting Based on Accumulated Temperature, by combining fruit count data by ripeness stage with upcoming weather data, the tool predicts harvestable periods and expected yields. This allows for strategic harvesting and market distribution planning.
4) Simplicity and Cost-Effectiveness, the intuitive interface ensures ease of use, making the tool accessible to all users. Additionally, by eliminating the need for specialized equipment, the tool offers both low implementation and operational costs.

Strawberry Ripeness Detection
Video: https://youtu.be/-9DEN2LE6r0
3. Key Use Cases and Benefits of Adoption
- Advanced Cultivation Management, enables precise understanding and control of optimal harvest timing and yield.
- Reservation Management for Agritourism, facilitates efficient scheduling for pick-your-own strawberry farms.
- Ease of Adoption, accessible for farms of all sizes and experience levels, making it simple to get started.
Sales Information
- Product Name: Strawberry Yield Prediction Tool
- Price: Starting at 10,000 JPY per month (tax included) Includes a free trial period
- Launch Date: December 10th, 2024
Contact Information
For inquiries regarding this product, please contact:
Nileworks Inc.
Department: Farm Solutions Division
Phone: +81-3-5577-3071
Email: dab@nileworks.co.jp