Slash Vision Labsが、Circle Alliance Programに参画!日本市場におけるUSDC決済の普及を促進へ
Slash Vision Labsは、ステーブルコイン「USDC」の日本市場における普及促進を目的として、「Circle Alliance Program」に参画したことをお知らせいたします。

Slash Vision Labs × Circle Alliance Program
当社は、これまでアジア市場における暗号資産決済の普及を目的に、Slash Paymentを通じて10種類のブロックチェーン上でのUSDC決済および売上受取機能を提供してまいりました。
今後は、Slash Cardの開発提供によって、日常的な決済にUSDCを活用する新たな機会を創出することを目指しています。
「Circle Alliance Program」を通じて、Slash Payment及びSlash Cardの事業開発を加速し、より多くの人々に暗号資産を用いた決済の利便性を提供することを目指してまいります。
Circle Alliance Programについて

Circle Alliance Programは、ステーブルコインのイノベーションのためのグローバルネットワークです。アライアンスプログラムのメンバーは、世界中の何十億もの人々のために金融包摂を革新し、拡大するために協力する組織のグローバル エコシステムを代表しています。
Circle Alliance Program:
Slash Fintech Limited 会社概要
Slash Fintechは、Slash PaymentとSlash Cardのプロダクトを開発・提供しています。Slash Cardは、日本の法規制に準拠したスキームを採用したクリプトカードであり、ステーブルコインを担保とし、日常的な買い物に暗号通貨を活用する機会の創出を目指しています。(2025年前半中に発行予定)
企業名:Slash Fintech Limited
所在地:4th Floor, Water’s Edge Building, Meridian Plaza, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands VG1110.
代表:代表取締役社長 佐藤 伸介
Slash Vision Labs:
Slash Vision Portal:
Slash Payment:
Slash Vプリカ SHOP :
White Paper:
Slash Vision Labs Joins the Circle Alliance Program to Promote USDC Payments in Japan
Tokyo, Japan — We are excited to announce its participation in the Circle Alliance Program, a significant step toward driving the adoption of the USDC in the Japanese market. Through this initiative, we aim to enhance our crypto payment solutions, including SlashCard and Slash Payment, to bring the benefits of USDC payments to a broader audience in Japan.
The flagship product, SlashCard, is Japan’s first and only crypto-backed credit card that complies fully with the country’s stringent cryptocurrency and payment regulations. By bridging the gap between fiat and crypto economies, SlashCard enables Japanese consumers, merchants, developers, and institutions to engage with cryptocurrency seamlessly, offering unmatched convenience and accessibility.We have been actively promoting USDC adoption across the Asian market, leveraging the Slash Payment to enable seamless USDC payments on 10 different blockchains. Looking ahead, we will prioritize the development and expansion of SlashCard, paving the way for USDC to be utilized more frequently in everyday transactions. These efforts will bolster the growth of Circle’s ecosystem in Japan and contribute to building a transparent, low-cost, on-chain economic system.
By joining the Circle Alliance Program, we are committed to collaborating with Circle and other global partners to deliver cutting-edge USDC payment solutions.
About Circle Alliance Program
Alliance Program members represent a global ecosystem of organizations working together to innovate and expand financial inclusion for billions of people around the world. Join the Circle Alliance Program to learn, connect, build, and grow with a network of forward-looking organizations defining the new internet financial system with USDC.
About Slash Vision Labs
Since 2022, Slash Vision Labs has been laying the foundation for a comprehensive crypto payment ecosystem in Japan by partnering with industry leaders such as Orico, SoftBank Payment, and LifeCard. The launch of SlashCard marks a transformative moment in crypto payments, offering innovative features like “Pay-to-Earn” airdrops and new engagement opportunities.
Slash Vision Labs offers two flagship products: Slash Payment and Slash Card.
Slash Payment: Since its launch in October 2022, Slash Payment has empowered over 4000 merchants to seamlessly accept various tokens on any network as forms of payment, processing over 180 million USD worth of transactions.
Slash Card: Slash Card is the first-ever and only crypto-backed credit card that complies fully with Japan’s stringent crypto and payments regulations.