

NTTアドバンステクノロジ株式会社(以下:NTT-AT、本社:神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:木村丈治)は、2014年に商品化し販売しているRPAツール「WinActor®」の英語版(Robotic Process Automation Software OR-5200:2017年5月22日に販売開始)の機能追加を行うとともに、中国語版(Robotic Process Automation Software OR-5300)を新たに投入し、それぞれ9月10日から販売を開始いたします。なお、8月27日から販売予約の受付を開始する予定です。
NTT-ATは、グローバルおよびAI×ロボティクスを重点ビジネスと位置付けており、「WinActor®」は、同ビジネスを牽引する中核商材です。今回、英語版については、さらなる機能追加を実施し、より便利に、効率的にWinActor ®をご利用いただけます。また、中国語版の販売を開始することで、中国国内ローカルのお客様にもご利用いただけるようになります。


  ⇒ ODBC*データソースと連携したデータ入力が可能です。
  ⇒ シナリオ保護機能、ログ出力制御機能を追加しました。
  ⇒ シナリオ編集画面の操作性が改善され、より簡単な操作でシナリオ作成・編集が可能になりました。
・Chrome、Microsoft Edgeブラウザ連携のためのライブラリ追加:
   ⇒ ブラウザ(Chrome、Microsoft Edge)に開発者向けツールを追加し、当該ブラウザ関連のWinActorラ
    イブラリを用いることで、画像マッチングやエミュレーション以外の方法で、Chrome、Microsoft Edge
        ※Internet Explorerのひな形作成機能とは異なります。

  ⇒ ライブラリ環境を含め、日本語版Ver.5.1およびこのたび機能追加された英語版と同等の機能と操作性を提
  ⇒ 中国国内ローカルのお客様にもご利用いただけるようになります。




*ODBC:Open Database Connectivityの略。関係データベース管理システムにアクセスするための共通インタフェース(API)。


Global marketing boost for RPA tool, WinActor®
- New functions added to English version, Chinese version now available -

NTT Advanced Technology Corporation (NTT-AT, headquartered in Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa,
Japan; President and CEO George Kimura) has added new functions to the English version
(Robotic Process Automation Software OR-5200, launched May 22, 2017) of its RPA tool,
WinActor®, which first entered the market in 2014. On September 10, the company will release
a Chinese version (Robotic Process Automation Software OR-5300). It will begin accepting
advance orders for these products on August 27.

WinActor® is one of the RPA tools, which have been attracting attention as tools that support
work style reform and improve work efficiency in enterprises. In Japan, it has been introduced
in about 1,500 companies across a broad spectrum of industries, ranging from financial services
through retail.

NTT-AT views globalization and AI×robotics as priority business areas, in which WinActor® is
a leading core product. The company has reinforced the functionality of its English version so
that the product can be used more easily and efficiently, and will also launch a Chinese version
to make the product accessible to customers in China.

■ What is WinActor®?
WinActor® is an RPA tool that NTT-AT has developed based on technologies invented by NTT
Access Service Systems Laboratories. It initially records operations performed by Windows®
applications and Web applications as a scenario and then automates those operations. It can
accurately reproduce routinely recurring tasks or tasks that involve large volumes of data. In
addition, without requiring any modifications to the existing systems concerned, it can
automate complicated operations that have thus far been carried out manually or data input
that involves a number of systems. It dramatically improves the efficiency, quality and cost-
effectiveness of work that has previously been done manually. WinActor® can be applied to a
wide range of business activities, regardless of business type or company size.

■ Added functions in upgraded English version
・ System collaboration:
  ⇒ Data can be input in conjunction with the ODBC data source.
・ Reinforced security:
  ⇒ A scenario protection function and a log output control function have been added.
・ Improved operability:
  ⇒ Operability of the scenario editing window has been improved so that scenarios can now
   be created or edited using simpler operations.
  The number of libraries available has been increased. It is now equal to the number of
 libraries available in the latest Japanese version, Ver. 5.1.
・ Libraries for working with two browsers, Chrome and Microsoft Edge, have been added:
  ⇒ Developer tools have been added for Chrome and Microsoft Edge. By using WinActor®
   libraries for these browsers, the user can now automate processing on Chrome or Microsoft
     Edge without any need to use image matching or emulation.
             Note: This is different from the template creation function of Internet Explorer.

■ Release of Chinese version
・ The latest WinActor® version is now available in Chinese:
     ⇒ The Chinese version provides functionality equal to that of the Japanese Ver. 5.1 and the
        functionality added to the English version, including the library environment.
・ Simplified Chinese supported:
     ⇒  The Chinese version is now easily accessible to users in China.

■ Market launch date
September 10, 2018
NTT-AT will begin accepting advance orders on August 27.

■ Price
Open pricing
For purchasing inquiries (price quotation, product demonstration, offer of evaluation version,etc.)

■ Future prospects
With a view to expanding global sales of WinActor®, NTT-AT will seek to combine it with
various business solutions and AI-assisted solutions.

Note: WinActor® is a registered trademark of NTT Advanced Technology Corporation.
Note: Company names and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies.





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