「ヒューマンセントリック」(ヒト中心)のアプローチでIoT技術デザインコンサルティングとソリューションの導入を進めるX1Studio株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:ウィリアム・アチュリ、以下「X1Studio」)は、データセンター分野における需要の高まりに応えるための戦略的拡大の一環として、2025年1月13日、インドに新たな子会社 BuiTech X1Studio Pvt. Ltd.(以下「BuiTech X1Studio」)を設立したことを発表いたします。インド子会社設立により、日本およびグローバル市場における急増するデジタルインフラを支援し、弊社のデータセンター事業の成長戦略をさらに強化してまいります。

BuiTech X1Studioは、イノベーションの拠点としてIoT、AI、BMS技術の力を活用して、最先端のソリューションを開発します。これにより、データセンターの運用を最適化し、効率性、持続可能性、そして信頼性を確保します。さらに、世界中の企業に対してスピーディかつ柔軟なサービスを提供するとともに、持続可能なエネルギーソリューションを統合し、環境負荷を最小限に抑えながら、地球規模でサステナビリティの推進に貢献してまいります。
次世代のBuilding IoTエンジニアの育成
インドは、AI、IoT、5G、ビッグデータなどの分野で目覚ましい進化を遂げ、デジタル革命の最前線に立っています。その卓越したエンジニアリングの才能が、多種多様な業界の発展を加速させています。X1Studioは、この変革の波をスマートビルやデータセンターの未来を創造する絶好の機会と捉えています。弊社の専門知識を活かし、次世代のBuilding IoTソリューションを提供することで、重要なインフラの効率性、持続可能性、信頼性を世界規模で再定義していきます。
日本の緻密さとインドの革新力を融合させることで、X1Studioはビジネスの拡大にとどまらず、未来を築いています。次世代のBuilding IoTエンジニアを育成し、急速に進化するインテリジェントアプリケーションをリードできる能力を授けることが重要です。それにより、日本だけでなく世界中の建物を変革し続けます。スマートインフラの未来を切り拓くこと。それが私たちのビジョンです。
■X1Studio について
所在地:東京都港区赤坂 2-5-4 赤坂室町ビル 6 階
代表者:ファウンダー兼代表取締役社長 ウィリアム・アチュリ
公式 Webサイト
Data Center OS Webサイト
X1Studio 株式会社 マーケティング
X1Studio Establishes New Subsidiary in India to Expand its Data Center Business
X1Studio Co., Ltd. (Headquarter: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: William Achury;
hereinafter referred to as "X1Studio"), which promotes the implementation of IoT technology design consulting and solutions with a "human-centric" approach, has announced the
establishment of a new subsidiary BuiTech X1Studio Pvt. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as
" BuiTech X1Studio ") in India on 13th January, 2025, as part of its strategic expansion to
meet the growing demand in the Data Center sector.

With the establishment of its Indian subsidiary, X1Studio targets to further strengthen its Data Center business growth strategy while supporting the rapidly expanding digital infrastructure
in Japan and the global market.
India is experiencing rapid digitalization in the socio-economy, with a surge in companies
leveraging cloud services, AI, IoT, 5G, and big data. In this rapidly growing market, X1Studio aims to provide cutting-edge data center solutions that offer high operational efficiency and
reliability to customers in Japan and across the globe.
William Achury, Founder and President of X1Studio, stated, “India is one of the most
promising markets for growth in the coming years. The establishment of this new subsidiary marks a significant milestone in realizing our global vision. To address the rapidly increasing
demand for data centers both domestically and internationally, we are bringing together
specialists from Japan and around the world to deliver state-of-the-art technologies and
services, building sustainable and highly reliable data centers.”
Goals of subsidiary in India
BuiTech X1Studio will serve as a hub for innovation, where we will harness the power of
IoT, AI, and BMS technologies to develop cutting-edge solutions that optimize data center operations, ensuring efficiency, sustainability, and reliability. Additionally, we are
committed to delivering fast and flexible services to businesses worldwide while integrating sustainable energy solutions to minimize environmental impact and drive global
sustainability efforts.
Nurture the next generation of Building IoT engineers
India is at the forefront of a digital revolution, with its brilliant engineering talent driving
advancements in AI, IoT, 5G, and big data across industries. At X1Studio, we see this as
an opportunity to shape the future of smart buildings and data centers. By leveraging our expertise, we are committed to delivering next-generation Building IoT solutions that
redefine efficiency, sustainability, and reliability for critical infrastructure worldwide.
Future Vision
With a dynamic fusion of Japanese precision and Indian innovation, we are not just
expanding—we are building the future. Our vision is to nurture the next generation of
Building IoT engineers, empowering them to lead the rapid evolution of intelligent
applications that will transform buildings in Japan and across the globe. Together, we will
drive the future of smart infrastructure.
■About X1Studio
X1Studio leads the forefront of IoT technology design and consulting with a “human-centric”
approach. Our solutions are widely adopted in luxury hotels across Japan’s hospitality industry. Additionally, addressing global warming, we have expanded our innovative design approach to data centers and commercial buildings, focusing on CO2 reduction and carbon neutrality. Our mission is to cope with environmental challenges head-on while enhancing productivity and
creating memorable customer experiences. X1Studio is committed to not just innovation but
building a sustainable future.
Company Name: X1Studio Co., Ltd.
Address: 6F Akasaka Muromachi Building, 2-5-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Founder and President: William Achury
Founded: September 2020
Business Overview:
IoT technology design and consulting
Technology solutions business
Development and sales of software applications
Development, manufacturing, sales, and import/export of hardware
Telecommunication and air conditioning-related construction services
Official Website:
Data Center OS Website:
X1Studio Marketing
E-mail: press@x1studio.co.jp
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