「MetaMe」とグローバルGemiFiプロジェクト「Elfin Metaverse」の間で基本合意書を締結

新規事業共創カンパニーである株式会社Relic(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役CEO:北嶋貴朗、以下、Relic)は、NTTドコモが開発する独自技術を活用したメタコミュニケーションサービス「MetaMe®(メタミー)」において、Bainance Labs等からの投資を受けて世界をリードするGameFiプロジェクトであり、トークン上場が実施された「Elfin Token」の発行を行っている「Elfin Metaverse」との間で基本合意書を締結しました。
MetaMe and Global Gamefi Project Elfin Metaverse Sign Letter of Intent Agreement in Principle between MetaMe and Elfin Metaverse.
Promoting Social Implementation of Fandom Economic Sphere in the Web3 Era through Multiverse Gaming Experiences(HQ: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takao Kitajima; hereafter, Relic), a business co-creation company that supports new business development and innovation creation for Japanese companies, is a world-leading Gamefi Project with investments from Bainance Labs and others, Relic has signed a Letter of Intent with Elfin Metaverse, the issuer of the Elfin Token, which has undergone a token listing.
「MetaMe®*1」は、メタコミュニケーション技術を活用したWeb3時代におけるファンダム支援を行うべく「MetaMe NFTマーケット*2」や「MetaBoost*3」へのサービスの拡大を推進してきました。取り組みを推進する中で、様々なゲーム制作における知見とコミュニティとのネットワークを有するGamiFiプロジェクトであるElfin Metaverseとの協業を通じてゲーム体験を通じたファンダム経済圏の実現を推進することを目指し、以下2項目に係る基本合意書を締結しました。
Main contents of the basic agreement
MetaMe®*1 has been promoting the expansion of its services to “MetaMe NFT Market*2” and “MetaBoost*3” to support fandom in the Web3 era by utilizing metacommunication technology. In the course of promoting these efforts, we have been working to expand our services to various games. In the course of these efforts, we have concluded a basic agreement on the following two items with the aim of promoting the realization of a fandom economic zone through game experiences through collaboration with Elfin Metaverse, a GameiFi project that has expertise in various game productions and a network with the community. The following two items have been agreed upon.
1. Creation of a multiverse experience that seamlessly traverses the spaces of both companies
2. Joint development of gamification for fandom using character IP
Elfin Metaverseについて
会社名:Elfin Metaverse
Elfin Metaverseは、没入感のあるプレイヤー主導型体験の創造に焦点を当てたWeb3ゲームプロジェクトのパイオニアです。NFTやGameFi、アニメ文化のパワーを組み合わせることで、Web2からWeb3へのゲームコミュニティの意向をリードするプラットフォームを目指しています。
About Elfin Metaverse
Company name: Elfin Metaverse
Representative: Leo Chou
Location: Hong Kong
Official Website:https://elfinmetaverse.com/
Elfin Metaverse, the 1st GameFi Omni Layer Focus on eSports, invested by Binance Labs (currently renamed as YZi Labs). We are a comprehensive eSports platform designed to reach niche markets that traditional IPs and legacy industries often overlook. By using gaming as an immersive way to engage, it builds connections and fosters community in previously untapped areas. Players can enjoy various games within a "Play-to-Earn" model, earning extra rewards through our leaderboard and participating in special events.
Elfin Metaverse has established deep collaborations with renowned IPs and projects such as Kaia, LINE, BNB, Manta, Polygon, Galxe, Stakestone, Bonk, TaskOn, Coin98, Dego and etc. Together, multiple games have been released, with many more to be launched in the future.
Elfin Metaverse is a pioneering Web3 gaming project focused on creating immersive, player-driven experiences, combining the power of NFT, GameFi and anime culture to lead the gaming community's intention from Web2 to Web3 We aim to be the platform.

「MetaMe」は、NTTドコモが開発したメタバースで、自分の価値観を理解したAIによりマッチング可能な、新しい形のコミュニケーション空間です。利用者の価値観を反映する「Home」と、コミュニケーションの場となる「Community World(コミュニティ・ワールド)」の2つの概念から構成されています。
「MetaMe」は、大企業やスタートアップ企業のイノベーション創出や事業創造を支援し、豊富な事業共創の実績を持つRelicの「オープンイノベーション事業」の一環として、大企業の新規事業創出を劇的に加速するインキュベーションパートナー・プラットフォーム「DUALii(デュアリー)」を活用し、サービスの提供および運営を行っています。現在※のドコモの新規事業創出プログラム「docomo STARTUP®*1」の取り組みの一環として、β版先行提供による事業検証を開始しました。
スマートフォン(iOS*4 / Android*5)またはPCのWEBブラウザからご利用いただけます。なお、WEBブラウザはGoogle Chrome*5またはSafari*6が推奨です。
About MetaMe
MetaMe is a metaverse developed by NTT DOCOMO, a new type of communication space where people can be matched by an AI that understands their values. It consists of two concepts: “Home,” which reflects the values of users, and “Community World,” which serves as a place for communication.
MetaMe is part of Relic's ‘Open Innovation Business,which supports innovation creation and business creation by large corporations and start-ups, and has a wealth of experience in business co-creation. DUALii, an incubation partner platform that dramatically accelerates the creation of new businesses for large companies, is utilized to provide and operate the service. As part of DOCOMO's current* new business creation program “docomo STARTUP®*1” initiative, we have started business verification by providing a beta version of the service in advance.
Before July 2023, the initiative was implemented as “39works®1.
(1) How to use
Please access the official “MetaMe” website and follow the instructions on the site.
(2) Usage fee
Basically free of charge
Packet communication fees will be charged separately for use of the service.
*There is a fee for purchasing the internal currency “Metamo”.
(3) Compatible devices and environments
The service is available on smartphones (iOS*4 / Android*5) or PC web browsers. Google Chrome*5 or Safari*6 is recommended.
(4) Official SNS
X: https://x.com/MetaMe_Official
Note: https://note.metame.ne.jp/

代表者:代表取締役CEO 北嶋 貴朗
本社所在地:東京都渋谷区恵比寿4-20-3 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー19F
コーポレートサイト: https://relic.co.jp
事業内容: https://relic.co.jp/services/
株式会社Relic 担当:李
TEL:03-6455-0735 / FAX:03-6869-9452
About Relic
Company name: Relic Corporation
Representative: Takao Kitajima, CEO
Headquarters: Yebisu Garden Place Tower 19F, 4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Established: August 2015
Corporate website: https://relic.co.jp
Business description: Incubation tech business, business production/new business development support, open innovation business
Business details: https://relic.co.jp/services/
Relic is a “business co-creation company” supporting new business development and innovation creation of Japanese companies. Relic is a “business co-creation company” that supports new business development and innovation creation for Japanese companies. The “Open Innovation Business” co-creates innovations through investments in startups and joint ventures/joint ventures with large companies. In the eight years since its founding, the company has been involved in the development of more than 20,000 new businesses for 4,000 companies, and is a leading company in the field of co-creation and support for new businesses and innovation, having achieved unique value and significance as well as industry-leading scale and growth.
<For inquiries regarding this release, please contact>
Relic Corporation:Lee
TEL: 03-6455-0735 / FAX: 03-6869-9452
E-MAIL: info@relic.co.jp
(※1)MetaMe、docomo STARTUP、39worksは、NTTドコモの登録商標です。
(※2)MetaMe(Relic):“NTTドコモの先進技術を活用したメタコミュニケーションサービス「MetaMe」、「MetaMe NFTマーケット」を2/8(木)リリース” 2024年2月8日
(※5)Android、Google Chromeは、Google LLCの商標です。
(※6)Safariは、Apple Inc.の商標です。