形状最適化システム RICOS Generative CAE が CES Innovation Awards® 2025 を受賞
人工知能カテゴリにて Innovation Awards® 2025 を受賞
(An English translation is available at the bottom of the article.)
AI とシミュレーション技術で製品設計の効率化と高付加価値化を実現する株式会社RICOS(本社: 東京都千代田区、代表取締役 井原遊、以下 RICOS)が開発する「RICOS Generative CAE」は、RICOS として初の Innovation Awards® 2025 を受賞しました。(受賞製品の掲載ページはこちら)
CES Innovation Awards®について
CES Innovation Awards® プログラムは、消費者向けテクノロジー製品の優れたデザインと技術を表彰する、毎年開催されるコンテストです。このプログラムでは、消費者向けテクノロジー製品の各カテゴリにおいて評価を得た製品を表彰します。評価基準としては、製品における技術や機能性、デザイン性、独自性、イノベーション性などが挙げられます。(※)
RICOS Generative CAE について
■RICOS Generative CAE の特長
■RICOS Generative CAE を開発した背景
■RICOS Generative CAE の機能やメリット
上記のような課題に対し、弊社では「自動で設計を変更、性能検証ループを多数(数十万回以上)行い、より良い形状を探索・提案するシステム(Generative CAE)」の開発を進めています。
本システムは “量産可能性” を一つのファクターとして内包しており、結果として、量産に耐えうる形状の中でより良い性能の形状案を提案する仕組みとなっています。
主な機能としては、3D形状の生成、従来のシミュレーションよりも100倍以上高速な製品の性能評価、直感的な操作で使いやすいブラウザベースのインターフェイスなどが挙げられます。これらの機能が設計業務の効率化、製品性能の向上、および設計・シミュレーションに要するコスト (人件費やハードウェア・ソフトウェア費用など) の大幅な削減につながり、設計・製造プロセスの高度化に貢献します。
【導入事例】ダイクレ:アンカーパネル設計を形状最適化システム「RICOS Generative CAE」で自動化 〜 1週間かかっていた設計作業を 1日で完了させる仕組みを構築〜
代表:代表取締役 井原 遊
(※)The CES Innovation Awards are based upon descriptive materials submitted to the judges. CTA did not verify the accuracy of any submission or of any claims made and did not test the item to which the award was given.
RICOS, AI base startup in Tokyo, led by CEO Yu Ihara and specializing in enhancing product design efficiency and value through AI and simulation technologies, has developed "RICOS Generative CAE." This marks RICOS's first-ever achievement in receiving the Innovation Awards® 2025. (Find the award-winning product here.)
About the CES Innovation Awards®:
The CES Innovation Awards® program is an annual competition that honors outstanding design and technology in consumer technology products. This program recognizes products that have excelled in various categories of consumer technology. The evaluation criteria include technology and functionality, design, uniqueness, and innovation.
About RICOS Generative CAE:
Automatically proposes modification plans for product shapes within “mass-producible limits.”
Automatically evaluates the performance of proposed shape modifications.
Identifies the most optimal (high-performance) shape.
Background of RICOS Generative CAE Development:
In industries such as automotive, aerospace, machinery, and heavy industries, the use of CAE tools in design and simulation is widespread. However, due to the varying skill levels of users and issues like simulation computation time, full utilization is not always achieved. This results in insufficient design iterations and performance verifications before manufacturing, thus not fully realizing product potential
Functions and Benefits of RICOS Generative CAE:
In addressing these issues, RICOS is advancing a system (Generative CAE) that automatically alters designs and conducts numerous (over hundreds of thousands) performance verification loops to explore and propose superior shapes. This system includes “mass producibility” as a factor, ensuring that proposed designs withstand mass production while optimizing performance.
Key functions include 3D shape generation, product performance evaluation over 100 times faster than traditional simulations, and an intuitive browser-based interface. These features significantly enhance design efficiency, improve product performance, and greatly reduce costs (such as labor, hardware, and software expenses), thereby contributing to the sophistication of the design and manufacturing process
Case Studies: Case Study:
Company Information:
RICOS Co. Ltd.
Location: 2-3-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Yu Ihara
Company Website: https://www.ricos.co.jp/
Careers Page: https://www.ricos.co.jp/recruit/
(※)The CES Innovation Awards are based upon descriptive materials submitted to the judges. CTA did not verify the accuracy of any submission or of any claims made and did not test the item to which the award was given.
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