法律事務所ZeLoがシンガポールのトップファームHARRY ELIAS PARTNERSHIPと3月9日(水)にWebセミナー共催


法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業(所在地:東京都江東区、代表弁護士:小笠原匡隆、以下「法律事務所ZeLo」。https://zelojapan.com/)は、シンガポールの国際的なローファームであるHARRY ELIAS PARTNERSHIP(https://www.harryelias.com/)のFrancis Goh弁護士(日本では未登録)をゲストに迎え、オンラインセミナー「英文契約条項作成・交渉のコツ!紛争解決の最前線から シンガポール&米国弁護士が解説」を2022年3月9日(水)に株式会社LegalForceと共催することをお知らせいたします。

  • セミナー概要/Webinar Overview



※参加お申込みについては https://bit.ly/ZeLo-webinar-20220309 のページをご覧ください。

With the increase of international business, many of you may have more opportunities to engage in cross-border transactions and to draft and negotiate contracts in English.In the wake of COVID-19, business disputes are increasing. In 2020, the number of international arbitrations filed with five leading international arbitral institutions increased by about 25% compared to 2019.

The means of resolving disputes arising from cross-border contracts can make it difficult to understand some of the specific procedures. However, it is important to be prepared for this challenge at the contract negotiation stage, including knowing what to do in case a dispute actually arises.

This webinar will cover drafting and negotiating of dispute resolution clauses, including for court, mediation, and arbitration, with Singapore institutions as examples. Singapore is a well-regarded hub for dispute resolution.You will learn how to express your intentions appropriately in writing when negotiating contracts and interacting with counterparties.

Would you like to learn English expressions and phrases that you can apply to your business communications from professionals with extensive experience in Singapore? This webinar will be conducted in English for both audio and slides. Subtitles are in Japanese.

* Please register on the application form to attend.  https://bit.ly/ZeLo-webinar-20220309
  • セミナーの開催情報/Webinar information
【セミナータイトル/Seminar title】
「英文契約条項作成・交渉のコツ!紛争解決の最前線から シンガポール&米国弁護士が解説」
The Singapore Approach | Drafting and Negotiating Effective Dispute Resolution Clauses in Cross-border English-language Contracts

* All lectures and Q&A sessions in this seminar are recorded.
* This seminar will be conducted in English for both audio and slides. Subtitles are in Japanese.

【開催日時/Seminar date】
Wednesday , March 9, 2022, 3:00pm to 4:30pm (JST)

【こんな方におすすめです/Target audience】

・Those who are in charge of drafting, reviewing, and negotiating English contracts
・Those who want to learn about dispute resolution with foreign companies and clauses in English contracts
・Those who are interested in English contracts and cross-border transactions

【参加お申込みフォーム/Application form】
  • 登壇者紹介/Speakers
Joel Greer US Lawyer (Daini Tokyo Bar Association, District of Columbia Bar),ZeLo, a Foreign Law Joint Enterprise

(撮影:川村 将貴)(撮影:川村 将貴)

20年以上に渡る実務経験の中で、アジア、ヨーロッパ、北米の企業を代理し、国際商工会議所、日本商事仲裁協会、ロンドン国際仲裁裁判所の規則に基づく数多くの国際仲裁案件または仲裁に至る過程の案件、およびシンガポール国際調停センターの規則に基づく国際調停案件を代理。これらの案件では、ライセンス契約、建設契約、ジョイントベンチャー契約、売買契約などに起因する紛争を代理。The Legal 500、Chambers Asia Pacific、Chambers Globalと多くの受賞歴があり、執筆も数多く手掛けている。

Joel is a senior attorney at ZeLo who, in over 20 years of practice, has represented Asian, European, and North American companies in many international arbitration or pre-arbitration matters, including under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, Japan Commercial Arbitration Association, and London Court of International Arbitration. These matters have concerned disputes arising from licensing agreements, construction contracts, joint venture agreements, and sales and purchase agreements, among others. Joel also has represented Japanese and other companies in international mediation under the rules of the Singapore International Mediation Centre, as well as in litigation regarding distribution contract termination, arbitral award enforcement, and other claims. Joel has been recognized in Chambers Global, Chambers Asia Pacific, and Legal 500 Asia Pacific, and he has advised numerous clients on their contracts’ dispute resolution clauses.

Francis Goh Singapore Lawyer, Harry Elias Partnership

Harry Elias Partnershipのパートナーで、30年以上の経験を有する紛争解決のプロフェッショナル。訴訟リスクを特定し、最善の方法で解決へと導くための支援や、紛争解決条項に関するアドバイス・交渉を行う。シンガポール法学会擁護委員会Chairperson、シンガポール仲裁人協会フェローであり、現在は、名誉事務局長として同協会の評議会に参画している。また、シンガポール調停センターの主席調停官、シンガポール国際調停センターの専門調停官、国際調停協会およびシンガポール国際調停協会の認定調停官も兼務。

Francis is a disputes resolution specialist and partner at Harry Elias Partnership LLP. He is Chairperson of the Advocacy Committee of the Law Society of Singapore and a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and currently serves on its Council as Honorary Secretary. Francis also is a Principal Mediator at the Singapore Mediation Centre, a Specialist Mediator at the Singapore International Mediation Centre, and a Certified Mediator with the International Mediation Institute and the Singapore International Mediation Institute. A strong believer in the effectiveness of international mediation, he considers that mediation helps parties to understand each other’s interests and to narrow the disputed issues even where parties are unable to reach a settlement. Francis draws on more than 30 years of experience to assist his clients identify litigation risks and to manage disputes in a way that serves the clients’ best interests. In his work Francis frequently is called upon to advise upon and negotiate dispute resolution clauses for his clients.
  • 法律事務所ZeLoの国際的な取り組み/ International Efforts
2021年には スタートアップの重要な拠点である渋谷区と連携協定を締結し、海外のスタートアップや起業家が日本で活躍しやすい環境の整備対応を始めました。起業などで新会社の設立を求める方に、日本語・英語・インドネシア語で法人設立支援をしています。また、最先端の法務メディア「ZeLo LAW SQUARE」にて、国際紛争に関する発信や、インドネシア法務のニュース・法令解説をお届けしています。

ZeLo has lawyers who are admitted in Japan, the United States and Indonesia, as well as members with deep knowledge of business and legal practices overseas.
We provide support for overseas expansion, arbitration, global research, and translation of legal documents for companies that are trying to solve social issues, both domestically and internationally. We are expanding our overseas network through collaboration with local offices throughout Southeast Asia and in European countries, and are working to develop cross-border areas that are "user-friendly" for our clients.
In 2021, ZeLo is partnering with Shibuya City to support overseas startups and entrepreneurs that want to enter into the Japanese market, including by establishing businesses in Japan. ZeLo has members qualified to practice law in Japan, the United States, and Indonesia, who can support overseas startups and other companies that want to enter the Japanese market.
In addition, we provide the latest legal media, "ZeLo LAW SQUARE," which provides information on international disputes, as well as news and legal commentary on Indonesian legal affairs.
  • 法律事務所ZeLo・外国法共同事業 概要/About Us


2017年3月に設立された、企業法務専門の法律事務所。「From Zero to Legal Innovation」を掲げ、スタートアップから中小・上場企業まで、企業法務の幅広い領域でリーガルサービスを提供している。AI契約審査プラットフォームなどを開発する株式会社LegalForceと共に創業されており、リーガルテックやITツールを積極的に業務に取り入れ、企業の経営と事業の成長をサポートする。グループファームであるZeLo FAS株式会社と税理士法人ZeLoと連携し、M&Aやファイナンスなどにも強みを有する。Asian Legal Businessの主催するALB Japan Law Awardsにおいて、最も躍進した法律事務所に与えられるRising Law Firm of the Yearを2年連続で受賞。 

ZeLo was founded in 2017 by two lawyers from one of the largest corporate law firms in Japan. ZeLo has represented many startups and other companies. ZeLo leverages the AI contract review technology “LegalForce” and also uses convenient client communication tools. In collaboration with “ZeLo FAS, Inc.” and “ZeLo Tax Co.”, we also have strengths in M&A and financing. We were awarded the Rising Law Firm of the Year for the second consecutive year at the ALB Japan Law Awards hosted by Asian Legal Business.

所在地:〒135-0061 東京都江東区豊洲三丁目2番20号 豊洲フロント6階
代表弁護士:小笠原 匡隆
最先端の法務メディア「ZeLo LAW SQUARE」:https://zelojapan.com/lawsquare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zelo_law
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zelojapan







東京都江東区豊洲三丁目2番24号 豊洲フォレシア10階
小笠原 匡隆