〈SUSgallery〉Milano Design Week / Fuori Salone(ミラノデザインウィーク/フォーリサローネ)出展
新潟県燕市のチタンウェアブランド「SUSgallery(サスギャラリー)」は、イタリアのミラノで開催されるMilano Design Week 2024 / Spazio Rossana Orlandi(ミラノデザインウィーク 2024 / スパツィオ・ロッサーナ・オルランディ)に出展し、新商品の照明を発表いたします。

Bouquet Light

SUSgalleryのアイコニックな結晶が光を集め、まるでフラワーブーケのように空間を華やかに彩る「Bouquet Light(ブーケライト)」。ムードやシーンに合わせてシェードのカラーや組み合わせを選ぶことで、落ち着いたリラックス空間や、人が集まる活気ある団欒空間など様々な表情で空間を演出します。
商品名:〈SUSgallery〉Bouquet Light
価格:Mirror 650€ / Color 各種 850€(シェードのみ)
Depends on Titanium

素材の美しさとオブジェのような照明の多様な造形が見るものの想像力をかきたてる照明「Depends on Titanium(ディペンドオンチタニウム)」は、ブランドの概念でもある「一つとして同じものができない、偶然にできる美しさ」を追求した照明です。チタンに独自の熱処理を加えることによりチタンの自重でユニークな造形を創り出しています。また、SUSgalleryが培ってきた独自のチタン加工技術を活かした、従来とは全く異なる方法で発色を施した黄金色は、永遠に色褪せずに輝き続けます。
商品名:〈SUSgallery〉Depends on Titanium
サイズ:max W700mm×H350mm
Milano Design Week / Fuori Salone(ミラノデザインウィーク/フォーリサローネ)
会場:Spazio Rossana Orlandi(スパツィオ・ロッサーナ・オルランディ)
Via Matteo Bandello 14 20123 Milano(MI)
Tel: +39 02 4674471


株式会社SUS 会社概要
代表者:渋木 あき恵
電話:0256-62-4117(代表)/ 03-5579-9261(カスタマーサポート)
SUSgallery / Milano Design Week / Fuori Salone
New product "Lighting" will be presented.
SUSgallery, a titanium tableware brand from Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture, will participate in Milano Design Week / Spazio Rossana Orlandi held annually in Milan, Italy and the new lighting products will be presented.

SUSgallery's new lighting proposal for enriched living. We propose "aesthetically pleasing living" through the metal processing that takes advantage of the characteristics of the titanium material.
Bouquet Light

Bouquet light is designed to gather and decorate lights, with the inspiration from bouquet flowers. Various colors of the lamp create different atmospheres in space to match the mood or situation, such as a relaxing and calm space or a vibrant space where people gather. The contrast between the straight lines on the side and the beautiful curves of the aperture were inspired by the organic form of plants. It has a sharp impression yet somehow makes relaxing atmosphere. The beautiful colors created by utilizing the technology of the SUSgallery's symbolic titanium crystal illuminate the quiet night.
Product name:〈SUSgallery〉Bouquet Light
Material: Titanium
Size: H433mm x W133mm
Price: Mirror €650.00 / Other colors €850.00 (shade only)
Price and release date in Japan are yet to be determined.
Depends on Titanium

“Depends on Titanium” stimulates people’s imagination with its beauty of the material and its diverse and object like shapes. It pursues the concept of SUSgallery as a brand, which is that no two pieces are the same, and that beauty is created by chance. By placing titanium steel in a furnace and heating in a unique way, it naturally warps with the weight of the titanium itself. The unique titanium processing technology cultivated by SUSgallery gives it a golden color in a completely different way than before, and the color will never fade. The special golden color of titanium is nostalgic, warm, and gentle. Depens on Titainum incorporates the concept of the inevitability of coincidence into the product and it illuminates the space gorgeously with its object-like presence and dazzling light.
Product name:〈SUSgallery〉Depends on Titainum
Material: Titanium
Size: max W700mm×H350mm
Price: Mirror €4,520.00 (Shade only, Set of 3)
Price and release date in Japan are yet to be determined.
Milano Design Week / Fuori Salone
Dates: April 15 (Mon) ~ 21 (Sun), 2024
Venue: Spazio Rossana Orlandi
Via Matteo Bandello 14 20123 Milano(MI)
Tel: +39 02 4674471
Venue Arrangement by: CREAVIVA


In 1966, we established a metalworking company in Tsubame, Niigata, Japan. After cultivating skills of producing stainless steel kitchen products in Japan, we have been producing stainless vacuum flasks for over 40 years. On the way of developing something innovative, we focused on titanium, which has a great strength. Despite their skill, artisans had been struggling with extremely challenging processing of titanium. One day, we miraculously found a method to create beautiful crystal-like finish on titanium. With the hope for the future, we established a new brand “SUSgallery”, named after the spirit of “Sustainable” and the history of creating stainless steel vacuum flasks combined. “SUS” is the industrial code for stainless steel in Japan.
SUS Inc. Company Profile
Company Name: SUS Inc.
Head Office: Hanami 300, Tsubame City, Niigata, 959-1280, Japan
Representative: Akie Shibuki
Phone: +81-256-62-4117 (main) / +81-3-5579-9261 (customer support)