
Oasis & BDTI Announce Successful Results of “Director Training Scholarships for Women” Initiative


(English version of the press release follows this Japanese version.) 

  • 「女性の役員育成奨学金」制度で68名のプロフェッショナルな女性がBDTIの役員研修の支援を受ける
  • 2021年度比で役員研修の女性参加者が倍増する見込み

2022年4月7日、東京 –  オアシス・マネジメント・カンパニー・リミテッド(以下「オアシス」)と公益社団法人会社役員育成機構(以下「BDTI」)は初回の「女性の役員育成奨学金」の募集結果を発表しました。


半数以上はBDTIの中核コースである「ガバナンス塾」を受講し、残りの方々は社外取締役の役割に特化する上級コースである「社外取塾」、英語のDirector Boot Camp、またはBDTIの提供するe-Learning(全4コース)を受講します。(以下の「対象の研修一覧ご参照ください。)

BDTIの代表理事ニコラス・ベネシュは「優秀な女性からの応募が多く、コースの日程を追加しました。毎年、BDTIの研修プログラムに参加する女性が増えており、その資質も向上しています。今回、経営経験豊富な方々に加え、CFA、 CPA、法律などの資格を持った方の応募が増えました。前年度、当法人のオープンコースの女性参加率は32%であり、上場企業の女性役員比率の平均の4倍以上となりましたが、今年度は50%を超える予想です。」と述べました。「BDTIは10年の間に約2,400名に研修を提供しましたが、最近は社外取締役になった女性受講者の数は増えています。」 




日本で社外取締役として豊富な経験を積んだ女性、男性、外国人の方々の奇譚のないアドバイスと経験則を集めた予習教材を事前にお渡しします。当日はそのアドバイスを念頭にガバナンスと委員会の実務、取締役会の戦略についての関わり方、ダイバーシティ、ESG、モニタリングの手法、取締役としての貢献方法、D&O保険、面接・契約プロセスなど、多数の実践的なトピックを取り上げます。 社外取締役として経験豊富な2名の講師による、実体験を交えたインタラクティブなプログラムです。(事前条件:Boot Camp、ガバナンス塾、または同等の知識をお持ちの方)。

「e-learning 」

“English Director Boot Camp”

公益社団法人会社役員育成機構(BDTI)は、取締役会メンバー・経営陣向けにグローバル経営手法とコーポレート・ガバナンスのノウハウを融合した役員研修プログラムを開催する日本の「公益」非営利組織です。日本政府の認定を受け、これらの活動を行う非営利団体で、企業の情報開示に関するデータ・データベースサービスも行っています。BDTIの代表理事であるニコラス・ベネシュは、2013年に日本政府に対して、ジェンダー・ダイバーシティに具体的に言及した原則を含むコーポレートガバナンス・コードの概念を提案した人物であります。  BDTIの研修プログラムの概要はこちらから、データサービスのメニューはこちらからダウンロードできます。

オアシス・マネジメント・カンパニー株式会社は、国やセクターを問わず、幅広い資産クラスの投資機会に焦点を当てた私募投資ファンドを運用しています。オアシスは最高投資責任者(CIO)として当社を率いるセス・フィッシャーが2002年に設立しました。オアシスの詳細については、https://oasiscm.com をご覧ください。オアシスは、金融庁の「責任ある機関投資家のための行動原則」(通称:ジャパン・スチュワードシップ・コード)を採用し、その原則に沿って投資先企業をモニタリングし、投資しています。オアシスは、30%クラブ日本支部および香港支部投資家グループのメンバーであり、香港ボードダイバーシティ投資家イニシアチブの創設メンバーでもあります。

中山 玲子 rnakayama@bdti.or.jp



  • 68 Professional Women to Receive Funding From Oasis For Director Training Programs Offered by BDTI
  • BDTI to almost double female participants in its programs compared to 2021

April 7, 2022, Tokyo – Oasis Management Company Ltd. (“Oasis”) and The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (“BDTI”) announced the successful results of the inaugural “Director Training Scholarships for Women” initiative.   

A total of 68 women were awarded scholarships to attend BDTI’s board director training courses and will receive training during this calendar year. Through the initiative, launched in honor of International Women’s Day, Oasis will pay all costs for qualified women who enrolled in the month of March to take any of BDTI’s director training courses. These Japanese and English-language training programs have been designed by leading experts in Japan to prepare candidates to serve as directors or executive officers in Japan. 

More than half of the women will participate in BDTI’s core director training course, its “Governance Juku”. The remaining women will take BDTI’s “Shagaitori-juku”, which is an advanced course focusing on the role of independent directors; or BDTI’s English-language “Director Boot Camp”; or the four modules in BDTI’s e-Learning suite.  (Please refer to “Programs Covered by Initiative, below.)

BDTI Representative Director Nicholas Benes said, “So many qualified women applied that we had to schedule additional dates for more programs. Every year more women apply to our programs, and their quality is increasing. For this scholarship initiative, we saw a further increase in the number of women with substantial experience and/or qualifications such as CFA, CPA, or law qualifications. In the prior fiscal year, 32% of the participants in our open-to-the-public courses were women, a level that is more than four times the average level of female inclusion in Japanese listed companies’ boards. This fiscal year, it looks like that percentage may exceed 50%. Having trained nearly 2,400 persons over the past 10 years, recently we are seeing more of BDTI`s female ‘graduates’ serving as outside directors”.

Seth Fischer, the Founder & Chief Investment Officer of Oasis said, “Our goal with the initiative is to significantly expand the pipeline of qualified women director candidates in Japan. Improving gender diversity on boards in Japan by adding qualified female directors is something we believe will improve governance and competitiveness at Japanese companies. We are pleased with these results and hope that this is only the beginning. ”

Programs Covered by the Initiative

Governance ‘Juku’ 
This one-day intensive program prepares participants with the basic knowledge necessary that all directors and executive officers should have. The course is taught by leading experts, and includes sections on corporate governance theory and practice, corporate law, finance, securities law, and case studies. 

Advanced Outside Director Training 
This full-day course is based on extensive pre-reading materials that have distilled wisdom and detailed advice collected from a diverse group of women, men, and foreigners who have experience serving on multiple boards in Japan. The course covers practical topics such as governance and committee practices, strategic and strategic planning by boards, diversity, ESG, techniques for contributing and monitoring, D&O insurance, the interview and contracting process, as well as many other topics. The interactive program is delivered by two lecturers who can speak from their extensive real-life board experience. (Pre-requisite: Boot Camp, Governance Juku, or equivalent knowledge.) 

E-learning Modules (Japanese)
BDTI offers low-cost e-learning courses on Company Law, Securities Law, Corporate Governance Basics, and Corporate Governance Practice. All four modules come as part of the “package” for the Governance ‘Juku’, so that participants can gain core knowledge in advance of the course, and afterwards. 

English-language “Director Boot Camp”
This one-day intensive program teaches participants key legal and corporate governance knowledge they need to responsibly serve on boards of Japanese companies, both public and private. The course consists of short lectures interspersed with time for interactive discussion and Q&A about real-life situations that occur on boards, and how to handle them. BDTI also packages its e-learning modules with this course, for Japanese speakers. 

About The Board Director Training Institute of Japan
The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI) is a "public interest" nonprofit in Japan dedicated to training about directorship, corporate governance, and related management techniques. It is certified by the Japanese government to conduct these activities as a regulated nonprofit, and also to provide data and database services related to corporate disclosure. Nicholas Benes, the Representative Director of BDTI, is the person who proposed the concept of a governance code to the Japanese government in 2013, including its principle that specifically mentions gender diversity. Download a summary of BDTI’s training programs here, and see a menu of its data services here. 

About Oasis
Oasis Management Company Ltd. manages private investment funds focused on opportunities in a wide array of asset classes across countries and sectors. Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth H. Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer. More information about Oasis is available at https://oasiscm.com . Oasis has adopted the Japan FSA’s “Principles of Responsible Institutional Investors” (a/k/a Japan Stewardship Code) and in line with those principles, Oasis monitors and engages with our investee companies. Oasis is a member of the 30% Club Japan and Hong Kong Chapter Investor Groups and a founding member of the Hong Kong Board Diversity Investor Initiative.

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