安倍晋三首相によるオーストラリア・ニュージーランド訪問 日本と両国との協力関係とパートナーシップを更に強化

安倍首相は7月7日、最初の訪問地オークランドでジョン・キー・ニュージーランド首相による歓迎を受けました。両首脳は長年にわたる協力関係からもたらされた日NZ関係の成熟と成功を認識し、環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP)協定交渉を可能な限り早く妥結するとのコミットメントを新たにしたほか、スポーツ分野における二国間協力の発展、特に日本が主催する2019年ラグビーワールドカップの成功に向けて協力することを表明しました。また両首脳は、スポーツの訓練と英語の集中学習の機会を提供するニュージーランド政府主導の事業「Game on English」の始動式に立ち会いしました。安倍首相のニュージーランド滞在は、2011年クライストチャーチ地震の被災地訪問および献花で締めくくられました。






事務局長 北岡美佐子(電話:03-6234-9351/メール:info@anzccj.jp)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s successful visit to Australia and New Zealand enhances cooperation and partnership

For Immediate Release

10 July 2014

The Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ANZCCJ) welcomes the enhanced cooperation and partnership achieved by the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Australia and New Zealand, which took place from 6 to 9 July.

Prime Minister Abe received a warm welcome by the New Zealand Prime Minister Rt. Hon John Key in Auckland on 7 July. The two leaders acknowledged the success and maturity of the New Zealand-Japan bilateral relations over many years. In addition to expressing their commitment to concluding a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, Prime Minister Abe and Prime Minister Key welcomed increased bilateral cooperation in sport, particularly for Japan’s hosting of the Rugby World Cup in 2019. Both leaders participated in the launch of “Game On English,” an education programme offered by New Zealand to provide intensive English language courses with sports training. Prime Minister Abe’s stay in New Zealand was concluded by his visit to Christchurch where he paid tribute to the victims of the 2011 earthquake.

Prime Minister Abe was formally welcomed to Canberra by the Australian Prime Minister Hon Tony Abbott on 8 July and addressed the Parliament to acknowledge Japan’s friendship and regard for Australia. Both leaders signed the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for free trade and investment and concluded a deal on the joint development of defense equipment. Prime Minister Abe said stronger and "special" Japan-Australia ties built on common values and strategic interests will contribute to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. On 9 July, Prime Minister Abe and Prime Minister Abbott travelled to the Plibara region of Western Australia and visited Rio Tinto’s West Angelas mine, an Australian-Japanese joint venture operation, to see Rio’s world-leading next-generation technology mining equipment.

The ANZCCJ Chair Melanie Brock was in Australia for the visit and states, “Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Australia and New Zealand was an important milestone for the bilateral relations between Japan and Australia/New Zealand. It will enhance an already strong trading relationship, promote closer regional security and create further opportunities for the business community in the three countries. ”


About the ANZCCJ

The Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ANZCCJ) was established in 1991 to promote the development of commerce between Australia and Japan, and New Zealand and Japan. It is a non-profit organization with approximately 600 members. ANZCCJ’s mission is to play a constructive and meaningful role in developing Australia/New Zealand-Japan business by providing members with an effective source of information, representation and commercial connections.

Media Contact Name: Misako Kitaoka
Phone: 03-6234-9351
Email: info@anzccj.jp


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